Wednesday 18 July 2012

Madiba Day

Tata Mandela

Today its all about our hero...Tata Nelson Mandela

So I'm hoping u going to spend your 67minutes wisely

And Honor Our Great African Hero...

My Fellow South Africans

And Post your comments and Tell us how u spent your 67minutes...

And Happy Birthday Tata Mandela



What is love? How do u know when u've found the one who is meant for u?

Haha Guess what u never know because until u've been hurt and experience how it is like being with a wrong person... so u can learn how to appreciate The Good One when he / she comes along ur way...

And Don't forget to leave room for Disappointments cause no one is perfect

We only human at the end of the day so learn to live,love and letting go if its not worth holding on to...

And that's how u LOVE....